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Řízení kybernetického rizika

WTW vnáší do řízení kybernetického rizika integrovaný a komplexní přístup, který pomáhá s managementem lidí, kapitálu a technologií v celé vaší společnosti. Každý plán, který by nezahrnoval jednu z těchto dimenzí, je odsouzen k selhání.

Contact Us

Cybersecurity today is no longer simply a technology risk for the IT department to handle. A cyber breach can affect your ability to operate and cost millions. It can also have far-reaching consequences that affect your reputation and brand long after the breach itself is resolved.

WTW takes an integrated, holistic approach to cyber risk management to help you manage all aspects of the exposure across your enterprise. We take a three-step approach toward helping our clients evaluate and manage their cyber risk.

  1. 01


    We implement a range of tailored services to identify and analyze an organization’s core risks across the entire enterprise, focusing on cyber risks affecting people, capital and technology. We identify the gaps and provide practical solutions to reduce risk, achieve business goals and ensure a cyberresilient organization.

  2. 02


    We leverage our global experience, incident data and customized assessment tools to provide a strategic suite of best-in-class solutions designed to quantify, inform and mitigate cyber risk exposures.

    • Cyber Risk Quantification
    • Data-driven analytics

  3. 03


    Utilizing our leading team of global risk advisors, consultants and insurance specialists, we create tailored risk transfer solutions, ensuring balance sheet protection alongside a range of services to protect our clients after a cyber incident occurs including post incident support, claims advocacy and post incident review and analysis.

    • Insurance Advisory, Broking and Placement
    • Claims Advocacy

Contact us