We believe the goals that drive a successful defined contribution (DC) strategy are simple: Empower your people. Manage risk. Optimize outcomes.
We partner with you to develop and execute on the optimal DC program strategy for your organization, leveraging our holistic approach and innovative tools. With a focus on participant outcomes and engagement, we can help you achieve your retirement program’s financial, operational and governance related objectives while also fulfilling your fiduciary obligations. Our clients benefit from WTW’s subject matter experts across the defined contribution landscape.
A comprehensive range of DC support
When evaluating the effectiveness of your DC strategy, it’s time to ask yourself: are your employees receiving the optimal benefit from your DC programs? Are you maximizing your investment in your DC programs?
Financials and analytics
Leverage market insights to design and maintain competitive benefits, within your financial budget, that aligns as your business needs continue to evolve.
Participant engagement
Employ analytics and tools, with a DEI lens, to support sustainable benefits design, investment structure and engagement strategy - encouraging optimal participant saving and investment behaviors – helping position your employees for successful outcomes in retirement.
Operations and delivery
Address day-to-day administrative requirements with internal stakeholders and outside vendors.
Risk Management
Provide effective oversight and governance of investment structures and plan operations to meet required fiduciary and legal responsibilities.
WTW provides flexible, yet comprehensive, service models to help you address these needs, from fully insourced to fully outsourced solutions.

The service model extends from DC plan projects to pooled employer plan (PEP) outsourcing solutions.