Thought leadership
Safe resident moving and positioning: Balancing staff safety and resident care: Safe resident moving and positioning programs enhance care and safety by reducing injuries, cutting costs and addressing healthcare demands, focusing on injury prevention for both residents and staff.
Climate change and the impact to infectious disease for senior living: Understanding how diseases spread helps tackle outbreaks and climate risks, especially for seniors. A multi-disciplinary approach with public health measures, healthcare prep and policies are crucial.
Exploring the healthcare risk landscape with new drug approval through the lens of Leqembi: Newly approved drugs like Leqembi pose risks. This article examines these risks in healthcare, with a particular focus on Leqembi’s impact on Alzheimer’s treatment.
Beating the heat in senior living: As global temperatures rise, the threat of severe heat increases, making it essential for senior living operators to proactively safeguard the well-being of their residents.
Resident elopement in senior living — A risk manager’s journey: Senior living communities can minimize the risk of elopement by enhancing security, staff training and individualized care plans.
Senior living alert: Respiratory illness rates are high: RSV, causing cold-like symptoms, poses greater risks for infants and older adults. The U.S. is likely at, or near, the peak of cases for this season, with potential severe outcomes.