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Infographic: Employee experience a top priority for employers

Insights from our 2021 Employee Experience Survey

July 8, 2021

Relatively few organizations were equipped to manage the employee experience stress test brought on by the pandemic. Explore key actions to consider to meet the EX imperative.
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Employee experience (EX) a top priority for more than 9 in 10 employers - description below

A great EX awakening occurred over the past year. 95% of employers say enhancing EX will be a top priority over the next three years. Why? Because the pandemic created an EX stress test: 64% of employees use remote or hybrid working models up from only 6% three years ago; 42% of employers cut people or hours; 48% restructured; 42% cut pay in benefits.

Organizations were not equipped to deal with this challenge. 25% have only a basic approach to EX and no overall strategy. Yet the majority view EX as a value driver in key areas: 88% engagement: 86% wellbeing; 86% productivity; 84% business performance.

Organizations recognize specific EX challenges, but few are ready to deliver change. When will employers reach their “new reality”?: 51% 2022 and beyond; 9% end of Q2 2021; 40% late 2021

Only 1 in 20 employers have integrated EX and business strategies, and use technology to transform EX. These transformative EX organizations are more likely to report: 2.7x significantly higher productivity; 90% more likely to report lower annual turnover; +40% net positive impact on EX (vs peers without integrated EX in business strategies enabled by technology)

EX breakthrough moments are needed to thrive. Key actions to consider: Recharge strategies, programs and policies to address emerging needs of flexible work. Rebalance EX programs, focusing on the importance of designing and delivering Total Rewards, wellbeing and inclusion and diversity programs. Equip leaders and managers to lead through change. Reconnect with employees by listening communicating and focusing on engagement. Build an EX strategy that is integrated with your business strategy and fueled by technology.

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