Willis Towers Watson helps clients assess and understand the current state of wellbeing at their organisations, benchmark against industry peers and best-practice companies, and evaluate wellbeing’s influence on business outcomes and performance.
We believe the ideal state of employee wellbeing is achieved when employees are physically thriving, emotionally balanced, financially secure and socially connected. These are the four key dimensions of our wellbeing approach. Our Wellbeing Diagnostic scorecard places the employee at the center and is truly integrated across all four dimensions.

Employer Wellbeing Diagnostic
Employer Wellbeing Diagnostic provides the current state benchmark, using a range of statistical analyses and expert review based on 40 best practices the yields a weighted score across five major categories:
- Physical wellbeing
- Emotional wellbeing
- Financial wellbeing
- Social wellbeing
- Integrated implementation
Your current state benchmark represents the percentile – where your company is positioned – compared to the wellbeing practices of industry peers and best-practice companies. This score helps you identify strengths and weaknesses, including any gaps in programs, as well as design or delivery issues, in your wellbeing initiatives.
Wellbeing programs and practices evaluated as part of current state benchmarking
- Integrated health and safety
- Ergonomics assistance
- Onsite/near-site services
- Personalised tools
- Physical environment
- Treatment decision-support
- Navigation support services
- Targeted clinical conditions
- Measure using HR data
- Use metrics at pivotal moments
- One-on-one counseling
- Personalised decision-support
- Support borrowing, spending decisions
- Monitor group rates for borrowing
- Subsidise student loan refinancing
- Promote family financial decisions
- Strategy/action plan
- Psychological safety
- Measure stress
- Redesign EAP
- Programs to support chronic issues
- Resilience training
- Manager training
- Parental leave
- Link to corporate social responsibility
- Incorporate I&D into benefit designs
- Support volunteerism
- Support compassionate donations
- Use social recognition
- Sponsor affinity groups
- Local wellbeing champions
- Key influencers to drive messages
The Employer Wellbeing Diagnostic, when combined with our leading edige Employee Wellbeing Diagnostic Survey, allows organisations to capture high level insights from employee’s viewpoint to identify areas of focus for a wellbeing strategy and program. For example, do we have a program offering gap or do we seemingly offer the right programs but are not seeing the expected outcomes and therefore need to evaluate the delivery of such programs whether that is through leadership involvement, physical environment, communications, general awareness, etc.? This allows employers to cater to the needs of their workforce more effectively.
Employee Wellbeing Diagnostic
Employee Wellbeing Diagnostic is an online tool which enables employers to easily measure their people’s financial, physical, emotional and social wellbeing, and help employers:
- Inform their benefits planning and other programs
- Better resonate with employees’ needs
- Find the right wellbeing programs
Employee Wellbeing Diagnostic is available on desktop and mobile in multiple languages. It is short and easy to complete, and provides real-time data to employers.
Our comprehensive approach to integrated wellbeing includes:
- Assessment: We start by gathering information from employers and employees viewpoints to understand your organisation’s current state of wellbeing, both in terms of measurable outcomes and programs, for each of the four dimensions of wellbeing – physical, emotional, financial and social – and in how you integrate and implement initiatives across these dimensions to better cater to the needs of your workforce.
- Analysis: Based on thorough analysis, we develop your integrated wellbeing score and current state benchmark based on your population data and program inventory benchmarked against best practices.
- Results: You’ll receive results, insights and key findings to inform and shape your wellbeing strategy going forward.
Contact us if you’d like to get started with a Wellbeing Diagnostic to better understand, improve and stay aligned with your employees’ wellbeing at your organisation.