Find out what investors need to consider through the multiple interactions between the three pillars: prosperity, inclusive growth, and climate transition. Identify which of the three pillars poses the greatest risks and opportunities as we explore each pillar in more depth, with supporting data and interactive charts.
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In this Asset TV Masterclass, Fabio Cecutto, our Head of Global Equity Manager Research, along with other industry experts, discusses how rising inflation affects pension schemes and how they use stress testing based on models of historical experiences.
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While central banks and regulators have attempted to categorise the transition scenarios into organised transitions and disorganised transitions, we provide our thoughts on the four major issues with disorganised transitions that need to be addressed to evaluate adequately for potential for financial risks.
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Alignment of portfolios with Net Zero targets can lead investors to focus too heavily on carbon-based metrics in the short-term. In this article, we discuss why our goal should be to align with the ‘resilient’ transition and why measuring transition risk beyond carbon is a key building block for economic and social resilience.
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Long-term thinking doesn't have to mean acting slowly. Rather, it is a matter of knowing where you are trying to get to, and making regular course adjustments to keep things heading in the right direction. In this article, we discuss why long-term forces such as climate change and inflation affecting assets and liabilities must remain front of mind.
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A study conducted by WTW and the Thinking Ahead Institute, this year's report revealed China, South Korea, and Hong Kong are some of the fastest growing pension markets in the world. Find out what we think pension funds need to do to prepare for a challenging investment regime that includes inflationary pressure, market volatility and corrections, as well as rising rates, that will impact future growth.
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