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Should you have any cause for complaint about our services please raise the matter in the first instance with your Financial Adviser.

Alternatively, you may contact our Compliance Officer at:, Freephone (0508) 945 547 or by post at PO Box 369, Auckland 1140.

We may need to contact you if we require further information.

Willis New Zealand Limited (FSP 37782) trading as Willis Towers Watson (“WTW”) is licenced and regulated by the Financial Markets Authority. We engage financial advisers to provide financial advice on our behalf.

When we receive your complaint, we have an internal complaints process and will investigate your concerns in a fair, transparent and timely manner.

Where reasonably possible, we will seek to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction at the first point of contact.

If this is not possible, we will acknowledge your complaint in writing and provide you with information about our internal complaints process, within 2 working days or, if not practicable to do so, as soon as practicable after.

A Complaints Handler will be nominated to handle your complaint and will consider the complaint which may include investigating it.

The Complaints Handler will send you correspondence informing you of the decision made with respect to your complaint, including explaining our reasons and any action we have taken.

All complaints are recorded on a complaints register.

If your complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction using our internal complaints process, you have access to a free, independent not-for-profit dispute resolution service whose details are below, which may help investigate or resolve your complaint.

Willis New Zealand Limited is a member of Financial Services Complaints Limited (“FSCL”); a Financial Ombudsman Service, who you can contact by emailing, calling Freephone (0800) 347 257 or by post to Financial Services Complaints Limited, PO Box 5967, Wellington, 6140. Full details of how to access the FSCL scheme can be obtained on their website

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