Law 1544 of 2023 establishes the Monaco Complementary Retirement Fund (Caisse Monégasque de Retraite Complémentaire – CMRC). Effective January 1, 2024, private-sector employees in Monaco will be required to participate in the CMRC, in place of membership in France’s AGIRC-ARRCO retirement plan (AA). Monaco employees have been required to participate in since 1964, but over the decades certain aspects of the respective national pension systems in France and Monaco have diverged (e.g., with regard to normal retirement age). Monaco has established the CMRC in order to have a program more aligned with its main social security retirement program and one over which it has more financial and administrative control.
Overall, the CMRC bears a strong resemblance to AA as well as to Monaco’s state pension system (which is also point-based). However, there will be some differences, in particular once the period through September 2024 has concluded. In addition, certain aspects of the CMRC still need to be clarified via government decrees. Employers should prepare for the transition (e.g., administrative changes to required reporting and payment of contributions) and monitor further developments.