Research shows that companies with a strong wellbeing policy achieve much better results in the long run. Creating the right environment for employees to have a long, happy, and healthy career ensures they are twice as engaged and much less absent.
Sustainable employability is more relevant than ever. Keeping your employees healthy, motivated, and involved under ever-changing circumstances is an increasingly important challenge for companies.
At WTW we believe wellbeing is not an isolated program or initiative. Wellbeing is purpose-driven and woven into the fabric of an organisation’s values and the employee experience. It is inextricably linked to a myriad of policies, programs, and benefit offerings as well as to desired culture, productivity improvement, longer-term organisational talent retention and sustainability of business results.
Companies where employees are physically thriving, financially secure, emotionally balanced, and socially connected are more engaged and productive. Therefore, paying attention to wellbeing pays off.
With our Beyond Wellbeing Sessions, we offered a series of webcasts, client cases and discussions on a wide range of topics related to wellbeing. From insights on a recent employee experience survey to the impact of recent pension reforms. From strategies to reduce levels of absenteeism to the effect of new EU fair pay regulations. In summary, many relevant sessions to help you, as senior HR or finance lead, to make sure your organization can face the future with confidence.
The sessions
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See below which sessions were held:
How are your employees feeling? Listen to what your people are telling you - Benelux - in English
Hoe verbeteren we het welzijn van werknemers en de gezondheid van het bedrijf? - Belgium – in Dutch
Strategies and Actions to tackle ‘The Great Resignation’ – Benelux – in English
De gevolgen van het pensioenakkoord op het financiële welzijn van medewerkers - Netherlands – Dutch

Delivering engaging wellbeing programs to improve Employee Experience - Benelux - in English
How the EU Pay Transparency Directive supports employee wellbeing – Benelux – in English
Financial Wellbeing – the best benefit you never knew you had – Benelux – in English
Grip op langdurig en complex ziekteverzuim, meer focus op preventie – Netherlands – in Dutch
Talent Game Changers: Wellbeing as a Differentiator - Benelux - in English
The “S” Factor to boost wellbeing for a healthy, inclusive and equitable workplace - in English

Hoe een onbeminde polis een grote rol speelt in het financiële welzijn van werknemers - NL – Belgium