Collateral Quantified is our systematic approach to market engagement and the negotiation of your collateral requirement. This tool provides an actuarially sound assessment of the total collateral requirement, itemized for maximum specificity and negotiating leverage. We compare each component to the carrier's estimate both numerically and graphically, delivering needed clarity.
Collateral Quantified’s benefits include:
- Provides a powerful market-facing negotiation tool with a proven record of collateral reduction, leveraging a segmented comparison of each collateral element
- Integrates client-specific and industry loss development to calculate historical and prospective liabilities
- Presents a forward looking, four-year collateral projection allowing for stress testing of future business case elements, including:
- Credit evaluation
- Retention level changes
- Exposure changes such as M&A

Why should you use Collateral Quantified?
- Collateral Quantified has a proven record of collateral reductions for casualty programs. This tool provides an in-depth, actuarially sound platform for negotiation with fully scalable delivery.
For whom is it appropriate?
- Any company that provides collateral to risk transfer partners for retained workers compensation, general liability or auto liability losses.
What geographies does this tool support?
- This tool is for U.S. risks only.
When should you use Collateral Quantified?
Use this tool:
- Prior to renewal or policy inception to negotiate collateral required for the upcoming year
- At any time to renegotiate collateral held with legacy carriers or on older policy years

What can I do with information gained from Collateral Quantified?
- Arm yourself for precise and meaningful negotiation of collateral requirements.
- Manage corporate finance expectations proactively by assessing the impact of enterprise changes such as acquisitions, divestures and credit rating changes on your collateral requirements.
- Evaluate retention changes: Is the premium credit for taking on a higher retention still appealing once you quantify the additional collateral requirement?